Thursday, June 29, 2017

Creating users and groups for database for AIX server

For AIX® installations, create and configure the oinstall and dba groups and the oracle user on the server that hosts the Oracle database.

About this task

Use the following table to help you create the required users and user groups for the database server.


1. Log on to the database server as root.
2. To create a group called oinstall, open an AIX shell and type the following command:

mkgroup id=500 oinstall
mkgroup id=501 dba

This group is the primary group for the oracle user. This group is the inventory group.
Note: The Oracle database requires these names.
3. Create a user called oracle, assign the initial login group (oinstall), and add the user to the dba group.
• Go to the /usr/sbin/ directory
• Type the following command:

/usr/sbin/useradd -m -g oinstall -G dba oracle

4. Change the password for the oracle user by using the following command:
passwd oracle

5. At the New Password prompt, enter a new password.
6. To limit the size of a file the user can create, configure the oracle user by typing the following command:
chuser fsize=-1 data=-1 stack=-1 rss=-1 nproc=-1 oracle

The following list describes the parameters:
• fsize sets the largest file that a user process can create or extend
• data sets the largest data segment for a user's process
• stack sets the largest process stack segment for a user's process
• rss sets the largest amount of physical memory a user's process can allocate
• nproc Maximum number of processes available to a single user

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