Thursday, June 29, 2017

How to Checkin Tape with manual naming on Label Tape

tsm: TSMSRV>LABEl LIBVolume ts3100 SEARCH=bulk LABELSource=Prompt CHECKIN=SCRatch

ANS8003I Process number 107 started.

tsm: TSMSRV>q pro

Process Process Description Status Number
-------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------
107 LABEL LIBVOLUME ANR8805I Labeling volumes in library TS3100; 0
volume(s) labeled.

tsm: TSMSRV>q req

ANR8352I Requests outstanding:
ANR8373I 008: Fill the bulk entry/exit port of library TS3100 with all LTO volumes to be processed within 60 minute(s); issue 'REPLY' along with the​ request ID when ready.

tsm: TSMSRV>reply 008
ANR8499I Command accepted.

tsm: TSMSRV>reply 009 LABEL=DCTAP001
ANR8499I Command accepted.

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