Thursday, October 25, 2018

Configure the domain by adding Managed Servers and Machines

1- Install Weblogic 10.3.6

2- Configure the domain by adding Managed Servers and Machines in one physical machine

     With the domain running we can proceed with the creation of the Managed Servers and Machines using the WebLogic Administration Console. So, start your browser and go to the Administration Console by specifying its address as: http://machine1:7001/console ,where machine1 is the ip address or host name of the machine that you used in step 2 above to create the Administration Server. This should display the Administration Console login form.

Enter the server administration name and password you specified in step 2 when creating the domain - username defaults to weblogic - and click Log In to login. The first thing that we need to do now is to create the managed servers. Using the Domain Structure tree navigate to Environment and then Servers. On the Summary of Servers screen Configuration tab click on the New button to create a new Managed Server.

Create New Server  

Environment => Servers => Click on Lock & Edit button 

On the Create a New Server screen specify the Server Name, Server Listen Address and Server Listen Port. For the Server Listen Address specify the address of the first physical machine. You can click Next to verify your input and finally Finish to proceed with the creation of the Managed Server.


Create New Machine

Environment => Machines => Click on Lock & Edit button 

Click on New button

Verify for make sure Machine1 is reachable

Link Server1 to Machine1

Environment => Servers => Click on Lock & Edit button

Click on Save button.
Click Activate Changes button.

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